Embrace Chaos Suspensions
About Us

Embrace Chaos is an artistic directive of human connections that uses suspension to facilitate life-changing experiences and document the beauty contained within them. We create moments in space in which the human body is free of the bonds of gravity and is in its most vulnerable yet powerful form. The act of suspension is a physically painful and emotional event that conveys the essence of the suspendee’s experience. At its core, Embrace Chaos is the collective experience of suspension artists around the world creating memories and bonds that last a lifetime.

(c) Embrace Chaos Suspensions, 2018

Dave Navarro and the Producers of Ink Master asked us to fly to New York in December of 2016 to suspend Dave for the Season 8 Finale. Due to the actual likelihood of the network letting the suspension be aired, it was kept under wraps what we were there to do. Everyone on set was very professional and were very helpful. That lead to the suspension being nice and relaxed, giving Dave the opportunity to work the audience a bit while on hooks and getting ready to go up. The shot was done in two takes and I almost felt bad that Dave didn't get to enjoy more time in his hooks. The audience went nuts, the scene made it on the air, and everyone had a great wrap party.